Friday, October 12, 2012

Monthly Meal Planning

Monthly Meal Planning.
  Is there any other combination of words in the English language that conjure more excitement? Yeah, didn't think so. In an effort to scale back and economize (Oh man, did I really just write that? I'm showing my age again) I found that the main expense in our house was food. We love to go to restaurants. (I almost wrote that we love to "dine out" but I don't think Red Robin and Texas Roadhouse count as "dining".) When I realized how much money was going out the door to restaurants I thought cooking didn't sound that bad anymore.

  I don't mean to toot my own horn (yeah right) but I'm a pretty good home cook and I actually enjoy cooking. The problem is, I HATE picking what's for dinner. I'm always the one in the car saying 'I don't care where we eat' and as soon as we get there all I can think about is how I wish we'd gone somewhere else! So the idea of coming up with a month's worth of meals is about the worst homework assignment I can imagine. Throw into the mix that I share custody of my son, and my extended family lives over 100 miles away and we visit at least once a month. Not to mention the fact that my husband and son are picky eaters. (My husband takes great offense to this title, so shhhh!)

  So with this particularly daunting and boring task at hand I got down to business. I drew a table on Microsoft Word and labeled each day. I start my calendar with Monday because of our weekend situation. I figure it's easier to plan if I line up all the weekend days together. It starts out looking like this:

Next I add all the 'meal affecting' events and travel notes for the month.

dropping off C

picking up C

Family coming for Backwoods Festival





dropping off C

dinner with the Duffs

picking up C

  Finally I start to plan the actual meals. I set guidelines for myself as far as what we eat and when. Some are based on family favorites and special requests. Others are based on trying to eat as healthy as possible. When I was just a single mom I rarely ever "made dinner". My child was (who am I kidding, is) a very picky eater so it felt pointless to cook food I knew he wouldn't even eat and be stuck with leftovers I wouldn't eat. I'd fix him whatever he would eat, as he ate it I prepared my food while I supervised his eating. Then I'd put him to bed and eat my dinner (usually watching TV on my bed or hunched over the kitchen sink). Now that we live together like a traditional family I make one meal (I understand this is a radical concept in most families) and we actually sit down and, for the most part, enjoy it together.

  Every week we have Taco Tuesday, because Mexican food is my favorite. Thursdays we have pasta because Italian food is my husband's favorite. If my son had a favorite, he'd get his own night too. I also make sure we have fish one night per week, pasta only once, some type of salad at least twice, beef no more than twice and I don't serve the same protein two days in a row. I try to stay flexible though. I sometimes serve mac and cheese even though that's technically having pasta another night of the week. Or I might have something we need to eat before it spoils and wind up breaking another rule.

Here's an example of a finished plan.


had KFC at home
salmon, slaw
lasagna, salad
crock pot pork BBQs, slaw
dropping off
ate out at Olive Garden
grilled chicken on pretzel buns, chips
picking up
salmon, couscous, carrots
orange sesame chicken, rice, peas
penne with meat sauce, salad
french dips,
homemade fries
Backwoods Festival
crock pot oatmeal
fried fish, homemade fries & onion rings
chicken parmesan, spaghetti, salad

fish sticks,
mac & cheese
chicken fajitas
ate Dinner at Logan’s
spaghetti w/meat sauce, salad
grilled chicken on pretzel buns,  chips
dropping off

dinner with the Duffs

picking up
OCTOBER crock pot BBQ chicken, green beans, cheddar biscuits

  I typically don't delete these calendars because I use them as inspiration for another month. I go back in and delete the meals we didn't eat for whatever reason and record what we did instead. Another reason why saving the calendar is useful is because you can tell at a glance what changes you need to make in your diet. It's kind of like a food journal for the entire family. I was having severe stomach aches last month and looking at this I can tell why. All that fried food was torturing my gall bladder! lol

  You may notice that I added Monday, October 1st to the calendar. This is because I do grocery shopping on Mondays and having something practically effortless planned for that day sure helps.

  Another thing I do to save money is shop once per month for groceries.
I know, I know. "It's ridiculous!" You say. "Can't be done!" You say.
I say, "Oh yes it can!"
If you already know what you're eating for the month why can't you shop for the month? When I first told my family that I do this they had the same reaction I'm sure most of you did when you read it. You think I've lost my mind. Who would want to eat only frozen food, no fresh vegetables or fruit and prepackaged, processed food? Nobody I know. It took about two months to work out all the kinks but it wasn't that hard. I discovered that almost all fresh fruits and vegetables will last a month if you store them properly. If you plan accordingly and, again, store it properly, meat will certainly last a month in the freezer without freezer burn. I'm getting side tracked though. I'll do a whole post later about my monthly shopping trips.

  So, does anyone else out there do monthly meal plans? I'd love to hear any suggestions to make it easier.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Where to Begin...

I've been thinking long and hard about starting a blog for some time now.  I guess I thought only know-it-alls and pedantic types write blogs. I am also a veteran "worrywort" so, of course, my mind immediately goes to my blog exploding into a pop culture phenomenon and my child being kidnapped and all my dirty laundry being exposed on the next episode of Inside Edition (is that show still even on?). What the heck! I say let's throw caution to the wind and let whatever will be, well, be.

  In case you're wondering who I am, I'll try to give you a sense of what I'm all about. First and foremost, I'm a Christian. I know that means a lot of different things to most people so hopefully I can glorify God and not let him down as you read this blog. I recently moved from eastern KY to the heart of Buckeye country. I hold degrees in Art and Journalism.
  After college I had a few PR jobs and worked as a radio DJ for several years. I even had a professional photography studio for three years.  Before starting a family, my life revolved around Theatre, dance, crafts and art. But I always felt like my real talents were domestic. I can cook, clean, sew, organize, decorate, plan, other words, I always thought I was meant to be a heck of a housewife.
  About two years ago I reconnected with "The One Who Got Away". We didn't waste any time this time around and we have been happily married for a little over a year now. There's a ten year age gap between us and a lot of life experiences behind us. I have a young son who lives with us and my husband has a grown son in the military. My husband makes a good living in law enforcement so when my last PR job fizzled out I got to live out my fantasy of being a kick-ass housewife.
  People always ask me where I get ideas for my home and how I do the everyday things I take for granted so I thought maybe a blog would be a good way to go to share my ideas and projects. I'm in no way an expert at anything and oftentimes I finish a project and wish I'd done it differently. So if you have a better way or better idea, I'd love to hear it.